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Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation

M. Baier N. Grote M. Moehrle A. Sigmund F. M. Soares M. Theurer U. Troppenz

M. Baier, N. Grote, M. Moehrle, A. Sigmund, F. M. Soares, M. Theurer, U. Troppenz. Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-020-0003-4
引用本文: M. Baier, N. Grote, M. Moehrle, A. Sigmund, F. M. Soares, M. Theurer, U. Troppenz. Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-020-0003-4
M. Baier, N. Grote, M. Moehrle, A. Sigmund, F. M. Soares, M. Theurer, U. Troppenz. Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-020-0003-4
Citation: M. Baier, N. Grote, M. Moehrle, A. Sigmund, F. M. Soares, M. Theurer, U. Troppenz. Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-020-0003-4

Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation

doi: 10.1186/s43074-020-0003-4

PARADIGM (www.paradigm.jeppix.eu), and InPulse (www.inpulse.jeppix.eu). The 4-array EML chips (refer to Fig. 7) was developed in the framework of the PIANO+-ALOHA project (grant # 01BP1125). The other topics have been conducted on HHI internal funding.

For the development of the generic PIC platform outlined in the article funding has been received from the European Commission through the projects EuroPIC (www.europic.jeppix.eu)

Integrated transmitter devices on InP exploiting electro-absorption modulation


PARADIGM (www.paradigm.jeppix.eu), and InPulse (www.inpulse.jeppix.eu). The 4-array EML chips (refer to Fig. 7) was developed in the framework of the PIANO+-ALOHA project (grant # 01BP1125). The other topics have been conducted on HHI internal funding.

For the development of the generic PIC platform outlined in the article funding has been received from the European Commission through the projects EuroPIC (www.europic.jeppix.eu)

  • 摘要: InP technology is the principal enabler for implementing fully monolithic photonic integrated circuits (PIC), uniquely including transmitter elements. In this article we present an overview of recent achievements on ultra-high speed electro-absorption modulated lasers (EML) which represent a simple transmitter PIC comprising a singlemode laser diode and an electro-absorption modulator. Using a so-called identicallayer approach single-wavelength modulation rates up to 100 Gb/s have been accomplished. By additionally integrating an optical amplifier section modulated optical output power of > 10 dBm has been achieved. Multi-level amplitude modulation was successfully demonstrated. Extended EML chips designed for wavelength-division and space-division multiplexing, respectively, will be presented. For dual-polarization transmission a novel EML related transmitter as well as a corresponding receiver PIC have been introduced. The latter devices were made on a generic PIC platform that is available for open-access foundry service.
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-10-10
  • 录用日期:  2019-12-29
  • 网络出版日期:  2020-03-04


