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Yi Zhang, Yuling Wang, Mingrui Wang, Yuduo Guo, Xinyang Li, Yifan Chen, Zhi Lu, Jiamin Wu, Xiangyang Ji, Qionghai Dai. Multi-focus light-field microscopy for high-speed large-volume imaging[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00076-y
Citation: Yi Zhang, Yuling Wang, Mingrui Wang, Yuduo Guo, Xinyang Li, Yifan Chen, Zhi Lu, Jiamin Wu, Xiangyang Ji, Qionghai Dai. Multi-focus light-field microscopy for high-speed large-volume imaging[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00076-y

doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00076-y

Multi-focus light-field microscopy for high-speed large-volume imaging

Funds: We would like to acknowledge Zheng Jiang and Dong Jiang for preparing the zebrafish larvae. We thank Zhifeng Zhao, Jiaqi Fan and Yuwei Huang for providing the Drosophila embryo used for long-term volumetric imaging. We thank Guihua Xiao, Guoxun Zhang, Runan Ji, Rujin Zhang and Qingwei Li for providing transparent mouse brains used for network training and testing, and Qiyu Zhu for his support in mouse surgery.
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