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Xiaoying Zheng, Jing Lin, Zhuo Wang, Haoyang Zhou, Qiong He, Lei Zhou. Manipulating light transmission and absorption via an achromatic reflectionless metasurface[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00078-w
Citation: Xiaoying Zheng, Jing Lin, Zhuo Wang, Haoyang Zhou, Qiong He, Lei Zhou. Manipulating light transmission and absorption via an achromatic reflectionless metasurface[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00078-w

doi: 10.1186/s43074-022-00078-w

Manipulating light transmission and absorption via an achromatic reflectionless metasurface

Funds: We acknowledge technical supports from Fudan Nanofabrication Laboratory for sample fabrications. We thank Kun Ding, Shulin Sun and Zhenyu Qian for useful discussions and technical support.
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