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Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets

Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00103-6
引用本文: Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00103-6
Gwanjin Lee, Konkada Manattayil Jyothsna, Jonghoo Park, JaeDong Lee, Varun Raghunathan, Hyunmin Kim. Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00103-6
Citation: Gwanjin Lee, Konkada Manattayil Jyothsna, Jonghoo Park, JaeDong Lee, Varun Raghunathan, Hyunmin Kim. Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00103-6

Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets

doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00103-6

Confocal nonlinear optical imaging on hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets

Funds: This study was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (2023R1A2C100531711). H.K. also acknowledges support from the DGIST R&D programs (22-CoENT-01 and 22-BT-06) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT. V.R. acknowledges support from Department of Science and Technology (DST) Indo-Korea joint research project (INT/Korea/P-44).
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