Integrated heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometer based on stress-optic frequency shift in silicon nitride
doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00105-4
Integrated heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometer based on stress-optic frequency shift in silicon nitride
We demonstrate a compact heterodyne Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) based on the realization of optical frequency shift in the silicon nitride photonic integration platform (TriPleX). We theoretically study, and experimentally evaluate two different photonic integrated optical frequency shifters (OFSs), utilizing serrodyne and single-sideband (SSB) modulation. Both OFSs employ stress-optic modulators (SOMs) based on the non-resonant piezoelectrical actuation of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin-films, deposited on top of the silicon nitride waveguides with a wafer-scale process. To improve the modulation bandwidth of the SOMs we investigate a novel configuration of the electrodes used for the actuation, where both electrodes are placed on top of the PZT layer. Using this top-top electrode configuration we report frequency shift of 100 kHz and 2.5 MHz, and suppression ratio of the unwanted sidebands of 22.1 dB and 39 dB, using the serrodyne and the SSB OFS, respectively. The best performing SOM structure induces 0.25π peak-to-peak sinusoidal phase-shift with 156 mW power dissipation at 2.5 MHz. We use the SSB-OFS in our compact LDV system to demonstrate vibration measurements in the kHz regime. The system comprises a dual-polarization coherent detector built in the PolyBoard platform, utilizing hybrid integration of InP photodiodes (PDs). High quality LDV performance with measurement of vibration frequencies up to several hundreds of kHz and displacement resolution of 10 pm are supported with our system.
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