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Surmounting photon limits and motion artifacts for biological dynamics imaging via dual-perspective self-supervised learning

Binglin Shen, Chenggui Luo, Wen Pang, Yajing Jiang, Wenbo Wu, Rui Hu, Junle Qu, Bobo Gu, Liwei Liu. Surmounting photon limits and motion artifacts for biological dynamics imaging via dual-perspective self-supervised learning[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00117-0
Citation: Binglin Shen, Chenggui Luo, Wen Pang, Yajing Jiang, Wenbo Wu, Rui Hu, Junle Qu, Bobo Gu, Liwei Liu. Surmounting photon limits and motion artifacts for biological dynamics imaging via dual-perspective self-supervised learning[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00117-0

doi: 10.1186/s43074-023-00117-0

Surmounting photon limits and motion artifacts for biological dynamics imaging via dual-perspective self-supervised learning

Funds: We thank the National Natural Science Foundation of China (62225505/61935012/ 62175163/61835009/62127819/62205220), Shenzhen Key Projects (JCYJ20200109105404067), Shenzhen International Cooperation Project (GJHZ20190822095420249), and Shenzhen Medical Research Project (A2303018) for financial support.
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