High-dimensional Poincaré beams generated through cascaded metasurfaces for high-security optical encryption
Optical encryption plays an increasingly important role in the field of information security owing to its parallel processing capability and low power consumption. Employing the ultrathin metasurfaces in optical encryption has promoted the miniaturization and multifunctionality of encryption systems. Nevertheless, with the few number of degrees of freedom (DoFs) multiplexed by single metasurface, both key space and encoding space are limited. To address this issue, we propose a high-security and large-capacity optical encryption scheme based on perfect high-dimensional Poincaré beams with expanded DoFs. By cascading two arrayed metasurfaces, more beam properties can be independently engineered, which gives rise to the extensively expanded key and encoding spaces. Our work provides a promising strategy for optical encryption with high security level and large information capacity and might facilitate the applications of Poincaré beams in optical communications and quantum information.
Key words:
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Poincaré beams /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Cascaded metasurfaces /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Optical encryption
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