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Three-dimensional dipole orientation mapping with high temporal-spatial resolution using polarization modulation

Suyi Zhong, Liang Qiao, Xichuan Ge, Xinzhu Xu, Yuzhe Fu, Shu Gao, Karl Zhanghao, Huiwen Hao, Wenyi Wang, Meiqi Li, Peng Xi. Three-dimensional dipole orientation mapping with high temporal-spatial resolution using polarization modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00127-6
Citation: Suyi Zhong, Liang Qiao, Xichuan Ge, Xinzhu Xu, Yuzhe Fu, Shu Gao, Karl Zhanghao, Huiwen Hao, Wenyi Wang, Meiqi Li, Peng Xi. Three-dimensional dipole orientation mapping with high temporal-spatial resolution using polarization modulation[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00127-6

doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00127-6

Three-dimensional dipole orientation mapping with high temporal-spatial resolution using polarization modulation

Funds: We thank Dr. Chongqi Zhou (Tsinghua University) for providing Cramér-Rao bound theoretical support. We thank Airy Technologies Co. Ltd., for providing with Airy Polar-SIM system to build up 3DOM system and image.
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