Lensless fiber endomicroscopy in biomedicine
Lensless fiber endomicroscopy, an emergent paradigm shift for minimally-invasive microscopic optical imaging and targeted light delivery, holds transformative potential, especially in biomedicine. Leveraging holographic detection and physical or computational wavefront correction, it enables three-dimensional imaging in an unprecedentedly small footprint, which is crucial for various applications such as brain surgery. This perspective reviews the recent breakthroughs, highlighting potential emerging applications, and pinpointing gaps between innovation and real-world applications. As the research in this realm accelerates, the novel breakthroughs and existing frontiers highlighted in this perspective can be used as guidelines for researchers joining this exciting domain.
Key words:
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Lensless endomicroscope /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Biomedical imaging /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Multimode fibers /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Multicore fibers /
- Engineering" /
- " data-track="click" data-track-action="view keyword" data-track-label="link">Translation to real-world applications
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