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Real-time monitoring of fast gas dynamics with a single-molecule resolution by frequency-comb-referenced plasmonic phase spectroscopy

Duy-Anh Nguyen, Dae Hee Kim, Geon Ho Lee, San Kim, Dong-Chel Shin, Jongkyoon Park, Hak-Jong Choi, Seung-Woo Kim, Seungchul Kim, Young-Jin Kim. Real-time monitoring of fast gas dynamics with a single-molecule resolution by frequency-comb-referenced plasmonic phase spectroscopy[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00140-9
Citation: Duy-Anh Nguyen, Dae Hee Kim, Geon Ho Lee, San Kim, Dong-Chel Shin, Jongkyoon Park, Hak-Jong Choi, Seung-Woo Kim, Seungchul Kim, Young-Jin Kim. Real-time monitoring of fast gas dynamics with a single-molecule resolution by frequency-comb-referenced plasmonic phase spectroscopy[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00140-9

doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00140-9

Real-time monitoring of fast gas dynamics with a single-molecule resolution by frequency-comb-referenced plasmonic phase spectroscopy

Funds: This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of the Republic of Korea (NRF-2019K1A3A1A20092429, NRF-2020R1A2C2102338, NRF-2022M1A3C2069728 and RS-2024-00401786), and the Basic Research Program (NK236C) funded by the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). This work was also supported by the KAIST UP Program and the Commercializations Promotion Agency for R&D Outcomes (COMPA) under grant RS-2023-00260002 and the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Startups under grant RCMS-S3207602. We acknowledge the support of time and facilities from Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM)
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