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CMOS optoelectronic spectrometer based on photonic integrated circuit for in vivo 3D optical coherence tomography

Anja Agneter, Paul Muellner, Quang Nguyen, Dana Seyringer, Elisabet A. Rank, Marko Vlaskovic, Jochen Kraft, Martin Sagmeister, Stefan Nevlacsil, Moritz Eggeling, Alejandro Maese-Novo, Yevhenii Morozov, Nicole Schmitner, Robin A. Kimmel, Ernst Bodenstorfer, Pietro Cipriano, Horst Zimmermann, Rainer A. Leitgeb, Rainer Hainberger, Wolfgang Drexler. CMOS optoelectronic spectrometer based on photonic integrated circuit for in vivo 3D optical coherence tomography[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00150-7
Citation: Anja Agneter, Paul Muellner, Quang Nguyen, Dana Seyringer, Elisabet A. Rank, Marko Vlaskovic, Jochen Kraft, Martin Sagmeister, Stefan Nevlacsil, Moritz Eggeling, Alejandro Maese-Novo, Yevhenii Morozov, Nicole Schmitner, Robin A. Kimmel, Ernst Bodenstorfer, Pietro Cipriano, Horst Zimmermann, Rainer A. Leitgeb, Rainer Hainberger, Wolfgang Drexler. CMOS optoelectronic spectrometer based on photonic integrated circuit for in vivo 3D optical coherence tomography[J]. PhotoniX. doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00150-7

doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00150-7

CMOS optoelectronic spectrometer based on photonic integrated circuit for in vivo 3D optical coherence tomography

Funds: We thank Martin Distel (Children’s Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria) for providing zebrafish larvae and his support and advice in handling them. We thank Marco Andreana for his support in the sample preparation of the zebrafish larvae. We also thank Laurin Ginner and Andreas Lange for advice and assistance with the frame grabber.
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