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  • 主办单位:
  • 名誉主编: 庄松林 院士
  • 国际主编: 顾敏 院士
  • 主       编:
    孙洪波 教授仇旻 教授
  • 创       刊:2020年3月
  • ISSN:2662-1991
Photonic nanojet-regulated soft microalga-robot with controllable deformation and navigation capability
Jianyun Xiong, Ziyi He, Guoshuai Zhu, Xing Li, Yang Shi, Ting Pan, Shuhan Zhong, He Wang, Zihao Su, Liliang Ye, Baojun Li, Hongbao Xin
 doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00158-z
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Micro/nanorobots have shown great potential to execute different tasks in microenvironments due to their small size, high controllability and environmental adaptability. However, it is still challenging to precisely control the deformation and navigation of soft micro/nanorobots to better adapt to unstructured and complex surroundings. Here, we report a photonic nanojet (PNJ)-regulated soft microalga robot (saBOT) based on Euglena gracilis with controlled deformation and precise navigation capability. The deformability of the saBOT was precisely controlled by the highly focused light energy from a microlens-based PNJ bound to a tapered optical fiber probe (TFP), which can precisely stimulate the channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) in the photoreceptor of the microalga. This saBOT can be further precisely navigated toward different positions in complex and unstructured microenvironments by combining the deformability with the phototaxis ability of the microalga via the flexible manipulation of TFP. Notably, due to the ability of controllable deformation and precision navigation, the saBOT can travel across cell clusters for precision drug delivery toward a target cell. This PNJ-regulated saBOT holds great promise in executing different biomedical tasks in complex and unstructured microenvironments that cannot be reached by conventional tools and rigid microrobots.
Delayed optical feedback-regulated artificial soliton molecule in a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator
Yu Cai, Jintao Fan, Fanchao Meng, Youjian Song, Minglie Hu
 doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00156-1
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Soliton molecules (SMs) play a crucial role in nonlinear optical systems, enriching our understanding of nonlinear science through the study of their interaction dynamics. While passively mode-locked fiber lasers offer an efficient platform for generating diverse types of SMs, the complex internal dynamics of the laser often pose challenges in achieving predetermined temporal separations between SMs. Here, we implement a delayed optical feedback technique within a femtosecond optical parametric oscillator, enabling the generation of SMs with precise and controllable temporal separations. A theoretical model, which models the intracavity iterations of the signal with a simplified Ikeda map, is proposed to study the impact of parametric gain, intracavity feedback delay, and cavity length on the internal separations of the SMs. Our experimental results confirm that adjusting the cavity length allows for producing desired temporal separations within SMs. To reveal the evolution dynamics of the SMs, we further develop a rigorous numerical model using the carrier-resolved Forward Maxwell Equation, which is capable of modeling ultra-broadband complex dynamics based on a single equation without relying on the slowly-varying envelope approximation. The numerical model unveils the rich formation dynamics of the SMs at various separations, which confirms the critical role of the gain window provided by the pump. This work opens up new opportunities for the on-demand generation of SMs and provides valuable insights into the complex dynamics in femtosecond optical parametric oscillator systems with optical delayed feedback.
Deep learning enhanced quantum holography with undetected photons
Weiru Fan, Gewei Qian, Yutong Wang, Chen-Ran Xu, Ziyang Chen, Xun Liu, Wei Li, Xu Liu, Feng Liu, Xingqi Xu, Da-Wei Wang, Vladislav V. Yakovlev
 doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00155-2
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Holography is an essential technique of generating three-dimensional images. Recently, quantum holography with undetected photons (QHUP) has emerged as a groundbreaking method capable of capturing complex amplitude images. Despite its potential, the practical application of QHUP has been limited by susceptibility to phase disturbances, low interference visibility, and limited spatial resolution. Deep learning, recognized for its ability in processing complex data, holds significant promise in addressing these challenges. In this report, we present an ample advancement in QHUP achieved by harnessing the power of deep learning to extract images from single-shot holograms, resulting in vastly reduced noise and distortion, alongside a notable enhancement in spatial resolution. The proposed and demonstrated deep learning QHUP (DL-QHUP) methodology offers a transformative solution by delivering high-speed imaging, improved spatial resolution, and superior noise resilience, making it suitable for diverse applications across an array of research fields stretching from biomedical imaging to remote sensing. DL-QHUP signifies a crucial leap forward in the realm of holography, demonstrating its immense potential to revolutionize imaging capabilities and pave the way for advancements in various scientific disciplines. The integration of DL-QHUP promises to unlock new possibilities in imaging applications, transcending existing limitations and offering unparalleled performance in challenging environments.
Nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction in submicron-thick periodically poled lithium niobate thin film
Xiao-Ni Li, Ling-Zhi Peng, Yuan-Yuan Liu, Li-Hong Hong, De-Ming Hu, Yuan-Yuan Zhao, Xuan-Ming Duan, Bao-Qin Chen, Zhi-Yuan Li
 doi: 10.1186/s43074-024-00157-0
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Nonlinear Raman-Nath diffraction (NRND) is a unique diffraction pattern formed when a high-intensity laser interacts with a nonlinear microstructure bulky medium relying only on the transverse phase matching condition. Here, we report on the first experimental observation of NRND in a submicron-thick periodically poled lithium niobate thin film (PPLNTF) by geometric reflection pumped via a near-infrared femtosecond pulse laser. We further observe the evolution of the diffracted signals after broadening of the pump laser via a fused silica plate. We systematically analyze the spectral properties of multi-order second harmonic generation (SHG) diffracted signals exhibiting asymmetric distributions and explicitly clarify their phase matching conditions, simultaneously considering the impacts of the incident pump wavelength, the sample poling period, and the incident angle on the properties of the angular distribution diffracted beams. The realization of NRND phenomena with appreciable on-chip efficiency at a submicron interaction length is mainly attributed to the significant contribution of domain walls to enhance the nonlinear effects along with the modulation of second-order nonlinear susceptibilities χ(2). This NRND scheme provides a high-resolution, non-destructive on-chip microstructure diagnostic method, and even has the potential to develop novel on-chip integrated optoelectronic devices for applications such as precision metrology, biosensing, and spectral analysis.